Canadian Transit & Weather Updates – July 30, 2024

a road closed sign in front of a blue sky


As per Alberta 511 – multiple road closures due to Wildfire.

Jasper National Park: Highway 16, Highway 93N & Highway 93A, Closure & Evacuation Information Highway 16, Highway 93N & Highway 93A within Jasper National Park are CLOSED due to wildfire. Westbound motorists are advised to detour using Highway 40 northbound through Grande Prairie or Highway 43. Alternately, motorists are able to travel to and from British Columbia via Highway 1 through Banff National Park. Highway 93 is CLOSED just north of Saskatchewan River Crossing. Traffic accessing Highway 93N from Highway 11, west of Nordegg, must head south via Lake Louise. An Evacuation Order is in place at this time for Jasper National Park and Jasper townsite. Check Jasper National Park for evacuation information and updates. Information for Alberta evacuees within BC, visit:…. If travelling into BC, check DriveBC for road updates.

A wildfire is burning approximately 10km north of Highway 58. Garden River, John D’Or Prairie and Fox Lake are under evacuation order. Highway 58 is CLOSED at Range Road 112, approximately 15km east of Boyer. RCMP are restricting access to the area with the exception of water trucks and emergency personnel. Westbound Highway 58 remains open for evacuees leaving the area. Speed is reduced to 60 km/h due to poor visibility from smoke and dust. For more information, visit or Little Red River Cree Nation’s FaceBook page.

Forestry Trunk Road between the Red Deer River and the junction with Highway 579, west of Water Valley, is CLOSED due to wildfire. Highway 579 (Harold Creek Road) from Doc Mills Road (Township Road 294B) to Highway 40, west of Water Valley – Closed due to Wildfire. An evacuation alert is in place. For details visit MD of Bighorn